Liveon Technolabs Pvt Ltd

Founded in 2009 and headquartered in the silicon city of India, Liveon Technolabs has grown steadily to be recognized today as the leader in the manufacturing and maintenance of high-end electronic equipment support products.

Since the time we began, our efficient team of engineers with excellent working knowledge of Radio Frequency (RF) Equipment have displayed a never-say-die attitude and put in close to seven years of intense research and development before launching our high-quality products in 2016.

Our core expertise in cutting-edge RF/EMI enclosures has paved the way for us to support some of the biggest and most well-known wireless telecom and semiconductor companies in India and overseas.
Our main products include,

  • Compact Bench-top RF Shield Box
  • RF Rack
  • RF Booth
  • Rack-mountable RF Shielded Enclosure
  • Shield Rooms
  • Anechoic Chambers and other associated accessories

Our culture of innovation, firm commitment to R&D and extensive customer insight make sure that our products meet the specific needs of customers whom we serve and deliver long-term value.

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Our vision is to combine our knowledge of shielding technology with our engineering skills to design, manufacture, install and commission shielding systems to the wireless enterprises.

Management Message

At Liveon Technolabs, we strive to provide the very best, quality rich and cost-effective products manufactured in one of the most innovative work environments by a team that is a perfect amalgamation of knowledge and brilliance. In particular, as customer satisfaction continues to be the top management priority, we expand communication by establishing various contact points with our customers and deliver a differentiated customer experience through R&D in various fields.

Going forward, we will continue to achieve true innovation by providing ‘First of its kind, Unique, and New’ experiences.